Parkguard are a specialist service provider to Local Authorities and Police, designing, implementing and delivering a wide range of community safety services either as a stand-alone, or jointly delivered in partnership with various statutory services.
Getting the right people for the right role is a challenge for any organisation, but the added complexity when those roles involve working in potential areas of high crime with some of society’s most marginalised increases that challenge tenfold.
With a number of vacancies across their wide ranging London areas, and a number of previous staff having left because the role wasn’t right for them, Parkguard approached us to see if a media solution might help them both increase the number of people applying for jobs within the team, whilst also ensuring they were attracting the right people for those roles.
How we helped
With such variety of roles to recruit for, and such a wide range of work that Parkguard get involved in from knife crime and police support to problem dogs and dog owners a series of case-study videos seemed the most logical approach to show the breadth of the work that Parkguard get involved in.
Focussing on a case-study approach meant that we could take a series of individuals from Parkguard and show the diversity of approach and thinking represented in the organisation. Of course, the first step was to see first hand what these courageous and committed people get up to on a day-to-day basis, so our valiant videographer went off and spent a day on shift across the whole 24 hour period with each of our chosen case studies (honestly, he loved it, from chasing down gangs, to supporting the homeless and seeing the really positive impact these people had at work and operating a drone from the boot of a patrol car!). This allowed for some exceptional footage of the everyday interactions of the staff at Parkguard.
With that experience behind us, it allowed for a really knowledgeable and personal approach to our interviews with each member of staff, allowing us to draw out from them what motivated and inspired them to apply for their roles, whilst also showing a true representation – warts and all – of what the job was really like. Utilising this approach meant that anyone interested in applying could hear from someone that would represent them, not a potential ‘sell’ from the corporate or HR team.
From this we created 5 individual case-study videos along with one larger promotional video, sharing some of each of their stories so that the content could be shown in different formats and in different ways including social media, web and recruitment events.
” Superb”
“I’ve never felt prouder in my career after watching that”
“Love it”
“Legend, Looks awesome and we’re getting great feedback from the team – Well done!”
“Really good, kudos to the whole team for such a good job”